D.A. Bragg Announces Sentencing Of Suspended Lawyer Marina Trubitsky For Fraud

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg Jr. today announced the sentencing of MARINA TRUBITSKY, 52, for abusing her role as a personal injury attorney and stealing $86,500 from Necessity Funding Partners, LLC, a litigation finance company.

TRUBITSKY, whose Bar licensed is suspended, was sentenced to three years of conditional discharge with full restitution of $86,500. TRUBITSKY has already paid $43,250, and a restitution judgment order was issued for the remaining $43,250.

On September 18, 2024, TRUBITSKY pleaded guilty in New York State Supreme Court to Grand Larceny in the Second Degree. TRUBITSKY was sentenced on September 18, 2024.

“Marina Trubitsky is facing accountability for her fraudulent actions. The defendant used her position to take advantage of her clients, breaking their trust and stealing thousands of dollars,” said District Attorney Bragg.

“My Office will continue to root out fraud by holding accountable those who exploit people relying on their legal counsel and advice.”

According to court documents, statements made on the record in court, and as admitted in the defendant’s guilty plea, TRUBITSKY stole from Necessity Funding Partners, LLC by submitting forged documents, including forged medical bills on behalf of her clients that appeared to be from a New Jersey surgery center.

None of the surgeries listed on the forged medical bills had actually occurred, and TRUBITSKY’s clients were not aware of the applications.

Assistant D.A. Nina Vershuta handled the prosecution of this case under the supervision of Assistant D.A.s Hope Korenstein and Kelly Thomas (Deputy Chiefs of the Financial Frauds Bureau); Kofi Sansculotte (Chief of the Financial Frauds Bureau); and Executive Assistant D.A. Jodie Kane (Chief of the Investigation Division).

Assistant D.A. Luis Morales (Chief of the Immigrant Affairs Unit), Investigative Analyst Reilly Fletcher, Senior Investigator Justin Reid, Investigator Ethan Ellsworth, and Senior Financial Investigator Bridget Mosher assisted with the investigation.

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